Current date/time is Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:17 am

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OK, I'm adding some rules that should have been added a long time ago. 1: NO BASHING, if you drive a GT and you don't like 6ers, that's your rite, but please keep it to yourself, If you drive a 6er and you don't like GT's, the same applies, No negative's, everyone here loves there cars, if they didn't care, they wouldn't be hear. so no negative comments about others cars, and no left handed compliments. you can send friendly jabs at one another, but think about the other persons feelings before you post. 2: This is a family site, please use discretion in your language when posting. 3: Avatars, same as #2, no nudity, and no inappropriate comments. 4: No discriminating against anyone, whether it be for Sex, Race, Nationality, Sexual orientation, religion or just because someone's not the same as you. The Forum Administrators will edit any content that they deem inappropriate. So lets follow the rules, respect each other, and have a good time.1 Any automobile enthusiast can freely visit the Mpsf website and post messages on the bulletin board.2 Any overseas automobile enthusiast can become a member of Mpsf.3 Mpsf administrators and moderators reserve the right to edit any and all content of the message board, and to suspend or ban any user.4 The views expressed on the message board are not necessarily those of Mpsf.5 Absolutely no pornographic images above a PG-13 rating allowed. Anyone posting such images will be banned, no questions asked. Administrators and moderators decide what is and is not pornographic.6 Vulgar profanity is prohibited on the message board.7 Absolutely no "elite" style (***, @@@, HaRlEy) or all caps writing is allowed anywhere on the message board and especially in the subject lines.8 No double posting (posting the same message in 2 different forums) is allowed.8a Use of multiple user names will result in immediate loss of posting privileges.9 All Off-Topic posts must be posted in “The Lounge” forum.10 Only post to the Classifieds forums if you are posting a “for sale” or “wanted” ad.11 Trolls are not welcome on the Mpsf board.12 Please always try to be considerate of your fellow Mpsf members. The club is comprised of men and women, young and old, persons of every religion, race and color. Please keep this in mind when posting. Thus, no ethnic-specific posts, please.13 No flame wars. If a topic is inflammatory, the moderators will move or remove it.14 Street Racing posts have to be posted in “The Lounge” forum. They will be deleted from any other forum.15 While use of the message board is free to everyone, it is far from free to maintain. This message board is paid with the dues of Mpsf members.Please consider joining the Mpsf if you use the Mpsf message board.16 We will remove any posts we consider spam!